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May. 24th, 2011


Hey guys! Some good news, some bad news. First we lost our Girl Lynch and our Scorpius but the good news is we have a LOUIS WEASLEY!! So make sure that you run your Friend Button for all your characters! ♥

May. 20th, 2011


I know I suck for taking a hiatus, but I will be departing for a trip to Costa Rica tomorrow (Saturday) and won't be back until either next Sunday or monday. I'll be online occasionally, but no promises!

Brittany (Roxie, Evie, Beau, Molly)

May. 16th, 2011


Hi! I'm Emily and this is Victoire and we have missed an absurd amount of stuff in the last month, and probably a bunch before that too. But we are trying to get back into the swing of things, so updates would be wonderful? I will be poking around trying to read up on some things but a month is an awfully long time to disappear and I've got some other stuff going on, so any help would be really appreciated.

Things that I have gathered:
- Lucy is a werewolf
- Albus is kidnapped

Both of these would absolutely freak Vic out because she is very very very all about her family, but she finds werewolves terrifying so that makes the Lucy thing complicated. But detail, if you have any, would be awesome on those too. Or anything else that's happened in their family so I can figure out how she would have reacted.

Also I missed her birthday, but that's probably okay because I don't think Victoire is very keen on celebrating her birthday because it's also the anniversary of a lot of death.



Hello all. The Mods beat me to announcing myself but as they have mentioned I bring to you all the child of Oliver and Gwen Wood: Theo(dore).

He's 19, grew up in Scotland and is slowly moving out of his parent's place in Falmouth... as in he's still scouting for a place. He's not as Quidditch-driven as his old man, but there is a definite desire to get on a team. He's had no luck so far and somewhat happily works at Quality Quidditch Supplies. He was a chaser on the Gryffindor team, bit of a pratty clown and loved girls. Theo was friendly, playful but a bit cruel if he didn't like someone.

As for me, I'm Griffon (Griff, not spelled like the Red Vs. Blue character). I'm a big plotter and am online daily due to a lack of a life and a habit of always being done with work ahead of deadline. I can be reached on AIM most of the time: C3H5NO3 but if I'm not online I can be emailed at it be for RP stuff or generic BS-ing =]


Hello everyone! Two quick things! One go run your Friend Button and welcome Griffon who is brining in Theodore Wood!

Secondly, after a few discussions with people, I made Birthday Calendars, just hover over the linked date to see who it is and how old they'll be! So far I've gotten through the summer, and I'll fix the rest up soon enough. Also, I'm in the process of updating the ages on both the available page and the cast table as well....mostly because I kind of forgot to. Ha.

Umm...other than that, poor Albus is still missing, so please resume your freak outs. ;)

May. 15th, 2011


i'll be back monday\tuesday ish.
i miss you all
= Trin

May. 9th, 2011



TRIN IS GONE. SHE'S GONE BLOODY MAD. It might be because it's FINALS week. So. Um if you need her kick her. Otherwise she's gonna lose her mind.

That it all.

- Trin

ps: I may be MIA this week due to finals.

May. 3rd, 2011


what up.

Ohhh hay! My name is Kayla, and this guy is James Sirius Potter, the gregarious and effervescent prankster we all know and love. Well at least, you know, you guys will have to grow to love him. To learn more, see this business.

Anyway I am excited to play. Thanks for hiring James at the Dirty Glass, Kassi (lulz)! I was wondering about whether anyone would want to work something out like relationships, friendships in particular, but I also have a tidbit in James's profile about an old flame so it might be cool to fill that spot, too. But it's not too urgent. I'd love to know about your kindelah at any rate.

mmkay ily thanks!


Tweak Says "My hands are bananas"

Also i have finals from the 9th to the 14th! And um this week I have to focus on redoing six art projects that won't fucking raise my grade any but they HAVE to be in my port. Fuck my life, right? stupid asshat slut face thundercunt teacher who hasn't gotten laid in six fucking decades... who lovingly tells me "oh don't worry your turned in projects won't save your from your F" sorry sorry



HEY YOU LOT. TAP THAT because we have a new player Kayla and she's brought in the last of the Potter clan, James!!!

May. 2nd, 2011


Hey guys, Megan here.

I just wanted to let you guys know that this is one of the busiest times of the year for people and that I'm proud of the activity that's coming out right now. <3 You guys rock. Also, speaking of which, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm playing catch up today on all the tags so if you're waiting for one from me, it's coming I promise!!!

A couple of other little things, if anyone's looking for a thread for their kids to do, there's a fun open one here, so jump on that! Speaking of open threads...I love them, and since it's a great way for random characters to interact, I'll be posting several of them with my kids over the next few days so feel free to jump right in!

And if anyone wants a thread with any of my characters, just let me know I'd be happy to do one with any of my kids (Clara, Nate, Connor, Danny, Patrick, Dominique, Brennan, Syd, et Quinn.)! We're officially on summer hours which means I have little to nothing to do at work which means this is how I usually occupy my time. Ha ha. Also! Look for plot, because the Nate and his band of very angry men and women should be up to something soon. As he put it "It's getting too quiet". So, you got an idea? Feel free to chat either Kassi or I up about it! Even if it's not something evil. Or even if it is, just speak up!


Apr. 28th, 2011



And the BOOM!Award goes to!..... )

Apr. 27th, 2011


OKAY LISTEN UP: I have two weeks of classes left (OMG FOR SERIOUS?) and I'm 3 weeks behind in Art (hells bells) so if I'm mia\offline\slow to reply\invisible that's why. *coughs* my final final is May 13th. I think. IDK. we'll see. <3 but yeah feel free to try and kick me. I'm probably online ANYWAYS.

Also: Riona needs ploooooooooooooooot


Stupid IJ

Do to IJ being down for a considerable amount of time last night voting for awards has been extended through tonight! ♥! So go! Go! Go!

Apr. 26th, 2011


Just a reminder!

Guys! Voting for the firs ever Boomers Awards ends at midnight tonight!

If you haven voted yet, please click this handy dandy link located here for your convenience! There as still a few of you who have yet to cast your votes!

Apr. 25th, 2011



Hey, everyone! I'm back from vacation (hopefully a bit tanner and more relaxed than before!) and ready to get back into things! I am definitely a bit behind and doing my best to catch up but if there is anything going on that Sophia should be aware of please let me know! Also, if anyone wants to do something, please please let me know since I'd love a bit of plot/RP!

Hope everyone had a good week and a Happy Easter, if you celebrate it!

Apr. 23rd, 2011


SPEAKING OF NEW FACES...*ahem* Okay, so Chris wasn't working out. I couldn't find decent icons, he didn't really fit all that well, he was kind of pushing it on the age range, you know all that fun stuff. So, I had to cut him and go back to Original!Dannyface, Jensen. (which if you look, Dan, Eric, and Leia all have the same freaking Yeah...we'll see how this goes. He's really talkative again, so that's a good sign. Let's just hope that because I'm changing him back, the stalking won't start up again. And I'm sure that it won't, why? Because you guys are THE BEST.

Home tomorrow! yay! And to those of you who celebrate it, happy Easter, for those of you who don't, I hope that it's a beautiful day for you and that you enjoy your Sunday doing something fun.


Apr. 22nd, 2011


Hey guys, just a heads up that I'm in Ohio behaving myself (despite some of the kids begging me not to) for the weekend, so I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going to be pretty scarce until Monday. I'll do my best to tag you guys now that the boyfriend somehow got my laptop and their internet to get along. If you guys really need to get a hold of me, hit up the email, or Kassi's can get a hold of me pretty quickly usually and being that I'll be surrounded by extreme OSU fans tomorrow Broncos for life! I'll have my cell on me pretty much all the know...for sanity purposes. haha.

Love you all!
Megan and all of her kids.

Apr. 21st, 2011


Hey guys, just a heads up in case you notice something different about Lily ... yes. I changed her PB! As much as I adore Emma stone, she just wasn't really what I was looking for in my Lily Luna.

Hopefully Lauryn here will be much better!


VOTE OR DIE...I mean whaaat....

GUYS! IT'S TIME TO VOTE! That's right! The nominations have been submitted and it's time to vote on them! Below the cut you will see each of the categories and their respected nominees, please take the time to fill out the form that we put in a handy dandy text box and submit it into a comment. All comments are screened at this point! Dun dun dunnn. Voting will remain open until Midnight in your respected timezones on Tuesday and Wednesday Kassi and I will tally up everything and then announce the winners, so please take the time to vote! Also, it's totally okay to vote for yourself!

Love and Luck,
Megan and Kassi.

Dun dun dunnnnn )

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