November 2011

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July 22nd, 2011

[info]boomersmods in [info]boomerooc

Okay guys. So, after talking with a lot of you, I've kind of come to a conclusion. Here at Boomers we need to be doing a better job of getting everyone involved and move away from the character specific plots and more into game wide plots. Which I'm totally for, and was the original intention, but somewhere down the line that stopped happening (not saying that we should stop them completely because as always I want everyone to feel like as if they have an idea, that we'll be here to listen and do our best to make it happen, but we'll just try and make it effect game wide rather than just two or three people.). However, this is my promise to you guys. Things will change, and things will get better.

To start things off, I figured it might be fun to do a scene lottery. That way people can interact with other people, throw characters together that might not interact with one another on a regular basis, mix things up, and give the game a fresh breath of air. I'm going to spend the weekend putting them together and sometime next week we'll start doing that. And if it goes well, we might try and make it a regular thing. :)

As always, I'm fully dedicated to this game and I want the best for you guys so if you have suggestions for plot, things you'd like to see, ways we can improve, please, please, please feel to either leave a comment here, or talk to me on aim. :) I'm going to do a better job keeping on top of people to keep active and update their characters more (emails will be sent out this weekend), and if you have to drop kids, drop them, it's not the end of the world, and I'll understand. Also for the threads, you'll notice that I tweaked the requirements just a bit. To have a thread count, each person must have at least five comments. Nothing earth shattering, but I figured that this gives a little more of a concreteness to it than anything.

So with that said, I love you guys so much, thanks for listening and sticking with us through everything (which btw, we're almost a full year being open). And with that being said, make sure to run it because we do have a few drops.

Megan and Kassi