November 2011

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May 26th, 2011

[info]boomersmods in [info]boomerooc

Quidditch is the word

Hello my lovelies! So. As I mentioned a while ago, we did the math, and this summer is in fact the Quidditch World Cup! Yay! So, what that means is that try-outs for the National Teams of Britain and Ireland will be held starting Saturday (the 28th) and go until the following Saturday (4 June) where the teams will be "announced". And by "announced" I mean your player can say if they made the team or not.

Once the teams have been "selected" (I'll make a fancy reference post and put in NPC players where we don't have an played characters in them) Kassi and I decided that since this doesn't happen every year, that the Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Games and Sports will be holding a ball to kick off to wish the teams luck! It'll be held on 18 June, and will be open to the general public and will be a night of super fun because let's face it, we needed something happy to balance out the crazy that is happening. :)

So! What we need from you guys, below you'll see comments for each of the teams. Please leave your characters name, position, and if they would like to end up on the starting squad or the reserve squad. I realize that there might be multiple people for one position, in the case of that happening, we'll work something out, so for now don't worry about it.

Annnd go!