November 2011

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April 19th, 2011

[info]boomersmods in [info]boomerooc

Points of interest!

We have a Scorpius Malfoy! So you know the drill.

Voting/tallying up your points is CLOSED, well, it has been for a few days. But do to...Megan not being around over the weekend, Kassi and I will be tallying up all all of the nominations and be putting up a place where you can cast your vote, and it'll most likely go through the weekend. So WATCH FOR THAT POST!

Thank you much!


[info]mr_badfaith in [info]boomerooc

Hello, everyone!

I'm Anna and I'm bringing in Scorpius. It's been a while since I've RPd a Hp game, I've spent the last year or two in OC games so it's good to be back! You can find me on AIM at coupsurcoup. I'm on a lot, whenever I'm not at work pretty much, so feel free to IM me because I always want to RP!

A little info about Scorpius - he's a far cry different from how he was at Hogwarts, then he was a bit of a smarty pants, disdained breaking rules, and focused all his energy on academics. Once he graduated and moved away from home, though, he wants nothing more than to forget all about his past and start anew.

It's laughable, but he works as a buss boy at the Leaky Cauldron in order to fund his top secret expeditions into the Muggle world. He loves the Muggle world and is super curious about it so he spends a lot of his time there. He also wants to help his family out by making up for all the horrible things his family and relatives did during the second war but he's kind of stuck on that front.

Anyway, I'm looking to make some in game connections - friends from school, acquaintances, past girlfriends, what have you. He wasn't into Quidditch, he didn't even enjoy watching it, so that's out but otherwise I'm open to ideas! He was sorted into Ravenclaw, class of 2023. Read more Here!