November 2011

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March 16th, 2011

[info]veritasaecetia in [info]boomerooc

Hi all this is Trin again. I PROMISE IF I OWE YOU A REPLY ON THE FIRST INTRO I'LL GET TO IT ONCE IM DONE BEING A LOSER. *coughs* You can find me @ trinitynikol on aim. jsyk. kay? Once I can run the button I'll do so *pokes the mods*

Anyways. Here is Medea Contessa Zabini - daughter of Blaise and Daphne! She's a sexy girl who knows that she is. Where as Miss Lasariona is a touch shyer, Medea is nothing of the sort. She's fantastically awesome and knows it. Hell to piss off her parents she became a wizarding tattoo artist. How's that for awesome? :) You can read all about her here and I suggest you do so and ignore the image in the app as I haven't had time to change it out yet.

Loves? Exs? Enemies? People she's inked?

[info]roxmysox in [info]boomerooc

HI GUYS. It's Brittany, and this is Roxanne. She's the youngest daughter of George and Angelina Weasley (and she would LOVE her brother!) and she says she's pretty badass. She was expelled from Hogwarts near the end of her sixth year for selling exam answers to other students (a fifth year tattled on her!), but she doesn't think missing out on seventh year hurt her too much. She's a beater for the Kenmare Kestrels for a day job and likes to write music and sing by night (but not everyone knows that about her). She's a wild child with a hot temper and a head full of bad ideas. She likes to drink, dance, party and (if provoked!) fight. In a nutshell, she's 18, a former Gryffindor, single, and if she's not in trouble, she's probably in the process of getting in trouble.

SO! Who wants to plot? You can catch me here or on aim at lifexinx35mm. SO HI!

[info]boomersmods in [info]boomerooc

EPIC FRIEND BUTTON OF EPICNESS to welcome both Brittany and Roxanne Weasley!