November 2011

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March 12th, 2011

[info]boomersmods in [info]boomerooc

It's time to Run it because we have a new player and new character! So please welcome Carley with Mercy Flint! Also, we lost Magnolia, so make sure you run it so that Zabini can be removed.

[info]spreadmercy in [info]boomerooc

hii everyone. I'm Carley, and this is my first nextgen game ever, and I'm boring, but I have interesting people in my head. like this one! This here is Mercy Abigail Flint!

~Mercy is a pureblood and more or less purist, but she works and is generally not the Proper Pureblood Woman of generations past.
~Mercy is 23, Slytherin '19, and a hitwitch. She's kindof a loose cannon and makes the DMLE a little nervous but she gets shit done.
~There has never been a less aptly named woman in all of history. Mercy is pretty quiet and introverted, so most people don't know her that well, but she is a bitch and introverted != weak. She loves to party and she will enjoy ruining your day just as much as making it :D
~Doesn't do well with the theoretical concepts. She needs to see it or feel it or have it to process it, which means she's somewhat materialistic and physical.
~Very sensual under all that bitchery and very affectionate and loyal with loved ones (lol taurus). Definitely one of the best friends you could have.

SO! She needs plottings. She doesn't discriminate among who she makes friends or enemies with so she needs all of it! Friends, enemies, exes, perhaps cousins, I LIKE IT ALL!