November 2011

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December 21st, 2010

[info]victory_is_mine in [info]boomerooc

holiday hiatus!

Hey boys and girls and everything in between!

As I was doing laundry today, I realized I haven't told anyone that starting the 22nd, I am going to be on vacation until the 30th! I'm heading to Florida to go to Disney, and spend a day at Hogwarts in Orlando! I'm sooooooo uberly excited! I'm also leaving my laptop at home, since this is a "family vacation", and my step-father says I can't bring my laptop if he can't bring his.

Which means limited / no internet connection! I will have my iPhone, which has internet access, but it's limited. I'm sorry this is kind of short notice. I'm not working tomorrow, I have to run errands, and pack.... so.... I'll have all day tomorrow to hopefully wrap things up until the 30th!

I'm going to miss you all and I hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday! ♥ If you need to get in touch with me, you can definitely e-mail me:!

xoxo, Brianna!

PS: I'm planning on sending out TONS of postcards from there, so if you want one from Harry Potter World, or Disney... or both, just e-mail me a location that I should be sending them to, and which one you would like. I think there IS an owlery in Hogsmeade.... and I'm HOPING they actually send out mail from there. haha. If not, an HP postcard should suffice, right?

[info]boomersmods in [info]boomerooc

It's that time again! That's right check in time! For this meme, like the last one it will be done In Character but all information will stay in this meme unless its agreed upon by all parities and worked into to the game logically and realistically, this is going to be strictly enforced due to the meme that we're doing.

I know a few people are on hiatus right now, and that's fine, just remember if you don't check in you'll get a reminder/potential removed from the game on a case by case basis. I know that with the holidays right now people are super busy, and I understand that, so likely we'll be a lot more lenient on this one than in past/future ones. <3

The MEME )