November 2011

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November 9th, 2010

[info]rosemarked in [info]boomerooc

Okay... I go away for a weekend and the game explodes, not only with plot but with new players. So I guess I have to do this in two stages. For those of you who were here before. HI I'm back witches! For those of you who I haven't met or I haven't met your charies yet:

Hi. My name is Abby and I play Fiona Smith (and often NPC other members of the Moon clan). Its nice to meet you. Fiona is an auror, the middle child of Zacharias Smith and Michelle Moon-Smith, a puff and a gryff (class of 1998) respectively. Fiona was a Claw, class of 2019 and is about 9 months younger than her sister Alice. They have a younger brother named Keir who hasn't been claimed yet.

Fiona is something of a wildchild, and she has a very big secret. She is VERY versed in the Dark Arts. Her glamour/alter ego is a dark haired Sophia Bush (her regular PB is Samaire Armstrong). She is VERY good at her job and pretty friendly, and one of her best friends is Danny MacMillan. So I'd love to plot with everyone (If this reintro was unnecessary I'll feel silly but eh. Why not)

And I'd love to plot. But can someone fill me in on what i missed when i was away? I'd appreciate it! Meggy? Since I'm back the games can begin!!!
-Abby ;)

[info]boomersmods in [info]boomerooc

Sen had brought in Maggie Davies! Which means it's that time again! hit it!. Make sure that you run it for each of your characters otherwise you might miss something!