Monday, May 19th, 2008

Spring Knitalong

My yarn arrived a few weeks ago. I set it to one side while I finished the Central Park Hoodie and Kiri, but now it is time to begin :D

I began unwinding the skien two days ago. Four hours later and I'm still unwinding. I'm sure I'll get to the pattern by the end of this week lol I've also started my two Time Lord Technology projects (Tardis ipod and DS cases) and the Roped Shell from the recent Interweave. It's all going pretty smoothly.

How is everyone else getting on?
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Friday, April 4th, 2008


Okay, guys. I know this community is kinda dead, so I want to do something to kick-start it. So I propose a knitalong.

Spring has sprung at last. After a long and miserable winter (and a snowy easter - what was with that?) the sun is finally coming out. So lets get started on our spring knitting.

Pick a project and get started, be it a cotton sweater for slightly chillier days, a new top, a shawl, a skirt, a bunny rabbit or chick for your little ones... join in.

I am going to be knitting the Aspen Grove Shawl. I ordered my yarn yesterday and am now eagerly awaiting its arrival.

What will you knit? Comment here, then post, post, post! We need to wake up the comm.
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