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Thursday, April 10th, 2008

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    New book by Philip Pullman
    Once Upon a Time in the North's genre is fantasy. I would recommend this book for those who are fans of His Dark Materials or looking for a quick adventure story based in another universe.

    My thoughts on Philip Pullman's Once Upon a Time in the North. It's such a beautiful book! I also wrote a review for it on :)

    I pre-ordered the book and finished it in a few hours on Tuesday. It's not surprising considering it is a very compact book (I haven't read Lyra's Oxford yet so I didn't expect the book to be the size it was) but it was so engrossing I probably would have stayed up to finish it. I had planned to write about it Wednesday but I got sick. I'm proud Once Upon a Time in the North was manufactured in my home country! Woohooo! (Ahem, I believe cheaper materials and labor. *cough cough*) It's a beautifully made book and I do think if I had a choice between a paperback version or the hardcover version, I would still choose the hardcover one, though it would be more expensive. There's also a boardgame included, where aeronauts compete to be the last remaining one in the sky. I haven't played it yet (they say the minimum is four players) as I and my friends have been too busy, but some of the "Hazards" are pretty amusing.

    I really adored this book and I'm glad Pullman wrote it. I hope he writes one for Serafina one day.


    Current Mood: calm
    Sabriel (Young Adult)
    Sabriel by Garth Nix - this is the first book of the Abhorsen trilogy, and after reading it I was left wondering why I'd put off getting around to it for so long.

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