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Saturday, March 1st, 2008

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    Neil Gaiman really is quite wonderful - "Sandman" #1 also online free!
    The brilliant & bizarre graphic novel Sandman is available online for free!

    Facing some criticism about his decision to offer readers the chance to American Gods online for free, Neil Gaiman has responded:
    "I like giving stuff away. I think it's sensible. I like that you can read Sandman #1 on the DC Comics site, for example. (It's at (Although for reasons known only to DC, they have put the last two pages of the story in the wrong order.) We've got five short stories up at, and I just realised on poking around that I've put more essays and things up over the years on this blog than have ever made it into the essays section, and a lot more audio than ever made it to the rather threadbare audio section (although there's lots of free audio now up at" (see the original discussion, where Neil addresses the criticisms at official_gaiman.)

    So thank you Neil, for telling us about the other brilliant stuff you've offered readers for free.

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