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Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

    Time Event
    YAY so many recs in so little time! Well gotta keep this going cause I don't know about anyone else but I'm having fun. I come bearing more Fantasy rec (yes that is my most read genre)

    This time it's a quartet of books written by Donita K Paul, a relatively new author for me, the first two books in the series were great, they read fast and had you hooked from the first sentence, the third one seemed to meander a bit before realizing it was supposed to be telling a story, and the fourth one went back to the fun pace of the first two, overall a good series. Oops the books are, in no particular order, DragonSpell, DragonQuest, DragonFire and...Dragonknight. And there is another book on the way called Dragonlight, I'll let you know how I like it. Well that it for now, keep reccing we've had some great ones so far!

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