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Sunday, January 20th, 2008

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    Woot looky it has started *giggles* alright I come bearing rec for two series, both are mystery and both will tickle you funny bone.

    The first is the Mrs. Polifax books by Dorothy Gilman the first book in the series is The Unexpected Mrs. Polifax, before I read these books I really didn't like mystery books. The main character is a little old lady who one day decides to become a spy...I'll let you read the rest.

    The second is the Stephanie Plum Series by Janet Evanovitch, the first book of that series is One for the Money. This series is almost guaranteed to have you rolling on the floor in parts of it and chuckling the rest. Stephanie gets into some pretty weird situations, lets just say that in one she ends up blowing up a funeral parlor on accident.

    Well there are my recs for the day hope you enjoy.

    Current Mood: cranky

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