April 6th, 2008

[info]roz_morgan in [info]book_discuss

How to illustrate a point…

Tonight the cover of my Lynn Truss book “Making the Cat Laugh” came off. I was besides myself. It’s my bathroom book. The book I read during a long relaxing bath.
"Look" I said to boyfriend. "It's falling apart!"
"Why not bring in that one you’ve got in the car?" Said he. "That Marian Keyes."
"No!" Exclaimed I. "That's my car book! Its for reading in the car."

So, what was the point of this except to lament the passing of a favourite book? Well, do you have a certain book for a certain place? Is there a library in your bathroom? A well-stocked hold in the kitchen for mid-meal literary snaking? I wish to know I’m not alone and what sort of book do you keep there? Mine tend to be light, fluffy and compilations of short stories or journalistic essays so I can dip in and out as I choose.