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Boardwalk Exiles

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[08 May 2013|08:16pm]

Characters: Todd and Cat
NPCs: Little red dot
Timeline: Thursday, May 9th, evening
Setting: Todd's apartment
Summary: Cat shows her feline side as Todd goofs around with her
Rating: Rated TBD

... )

[06 May 2013|08:00pm]

Characters: Theo and Snow
NPCs: servers, patrons
Timeline: Monday, May 6th
Setting: Mother Hulda's
Summary: Theo and Snow random run in
Rating: Rated TBD

didn't really want to be home )

[05 May 2013|11:13pm]

Characters: Briar Rose and Prince Henry
NPCs: --
Timeline: May 5, 2013 - evening time
Setting: Their house! Specifically, the bedroom → Henry's Office! Astoria, etc.
Summary: Briar has a proposition for Henry. That takes place in the bedroom, naturally, omg, its not like that at all.
Rating: Medium

Come to bed... )

Narrative: Rapunzel finds a letter [The Riddler's Tale] [27 Apr 2013|03:20am]

Characters: Rapunzel
NPCs: None
Timeline: Friday morning
Setting: Wish Upon a Spa
Summary: Rapunzel finds a note
Rating: PG

Rapunzel saw the note stuck in the mail slot and her mind immediately went to the place it always was lately...Landon. )

[24 Apr 2013|09:58pm]

Characters: Prince Robert, King William, possibly Cinderella, Snow White, & Prince Henry
NPCs: D.A. Franks & Sheriff Martelli
Timeline: April 24th, 2013, Morning
Setting: William's Office, Astoria
Summary: Chatting about jurisdiction and how to handle this riddling tale of murder.
Rating: SFW
OOC: Snow and Henry are here, but they'll be playing more of a background role.

I'm District Attorney John Franks. This is Sheriff Thomas Martelli. )

[22 Apr 2013|06:11pm]

Characters: Vera, Todd
NPCs: Horses and Death
Timeline: April 18th
Setting: Riding Trails at Pine Hills Arms
Summary: A certain godfather picks an awful time to visit.
Rating: Everyone!

News Article: Two Stories Murdered! [22 Apr 2013|03:38pm]

Characters: Open to Reactions
Timeline: April 22, 2013
Setting: The Astorian Herald, Morning Edition
Summary: The news has hit and it's big! Two stories were murdered! Gasp!
Rating: PG

Hear ye, hear ye! )

Narrative: A Riddling Tale - Once Upon A Time [21 Apr 2013|09:30pm]

Characters: Hansel
NPCs: Elizabeth Schumaker
Timeline: April 20, 2013 - 11:28PM
Setting: Behind Bally's
Summary: Hansel finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time
Rating: R

haunting words inscribed upon flesh )

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