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applicant: plotting/lines

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[09 Sep 2023|05:57pm]

Howdy, folks. This here is Stacie (she/they), Alex and Layla Wright’s younger cousin (25) who just drove across the country from Orlando to crash with them. Currently unemployed but spoiler alert, I’m thinking they’ll end up working for TSA at LAX. Until that time, there shall be shenanigans a plenty at the Wright home.

Stacie’s major passion in life is making music. I gave them the sounds like~ credit of Boy Jr without the level of fame-ishness. Stacie is an unknown amateur musician/producer who records catchy, silly tunes about whatever random thought blips into their brain (ex: how their childhood Pikachu t-shirt still fits or how their ex is a narcissist.)

They’re otherwise a pretty blank slate, so if anyone could use a garishly dressed 25 year old goofball for a line, hit me upppp.
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