June 5th, 2009

[info]naught in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Inner Circle Death Eaters
Where: One of the many dark and scary rooms in Lestrange Manor. Probably the library, with a creepy fire blazing despite the fact that it's summer. It is a heatless fire. They are wizards.
What: A tense meeting
When: Shortly after this arrived.

Status: Threaded, incomplete
Rating: PG-13 for likely swearing; subject to change

It was a dark and stormy night... )

[info]scrubbedraw in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Ferdinand Gibbon, Demetrius Mulciber, Conrad Warrington and the Madley Family
When: Late Evening, Thursday June 4th
Where: The Madley's home
What: Ferdinand, Demetrius and Conrad go get the Madleys.
Rating: PG-13ish
Status: Complete

Anyone want to get a drink? )

[info]ex_ofbadfait221 in [info]blurred_lines

Nobody puts fetus in a corner.

Who: Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco
When: 5 June 1980, about 2am
What: They've had a BABY
Where: Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire

Status: Complete
Rating: PG (no actual birth here!)

He's got a smile that it seems to me // Reminds me of childhood memories // Where everything // Was as fresh as the bright blue sky // Now and then when I see his face // He takes me away to that special place // And if I'd stare too long // I'd probably break down and cry // WOOOOAAAAHHH Sweet child o' mine )

[info]patienceiago in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Iago Mulciber & Cordelia Moody.
What: The Inner Circle's retaliation.
When: 5 June 1980, late afternoon.
Where: In front of the Foundation Centre in Diagon Alley.

Status: Complete.
Rating: PG-13.

Perhaps if she could talk to her son, he would realise how wrong he is. )

[info]isentropic in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Rufus, Mireille, Moody
What: Threats and fulfilments. Oh, and blood.
When: 5 June 1980, night
Where: Womens' centre

Rating: R
Status: Complete

Impotent in your hatred, I've been cut but never bled; though your dark heart is dawning, this child can see a light ahead )

August 2009



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