May 25th, 2009

[info]shackalack in [info]blurred_lines

[scouting narrative placeholder. will be done first thing when i get back. meant to do it yesterday but mom kept me out all day unexpectedly]

[info]glass_onion in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Kate Proudfoot, Gina Smythe, Lucinda Greengrass
What: Kate and Gina go undercover to infiltrate the Foundation!
When: 25 May 1980, lunchtime
Where: The Diagon Alley Foundation Centre

Status: Complete!
Rating: PG.

Do you have any, er, feminine hygene products? )

[info]meliorate in [info]blurred_lines

Placeholder for Graley/Amelia.

[info]unplacable in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Amelia, Amycus, and the rest of Gairloch!(?)
When: Monday evening
What: They return from PRESUMED CERTAIN DEATH
Where: Gairloch

ooc log

So today, Amelia & Amycus are set to return to camp! Because I should've been in bed an hour ago, I'm putting up this handy ooc post to describe just what happened. At some point in the evening, A2 will be wandering back into Gairloch. Amelia has been given Tabitha's beauty treatment and is a: grossed up and b: traumatized, and Amy is plenty bashed up too; all the fingers of his left hand are broken and out of place and have been since Friday. So, in short, they are very gross.

The story he's telling: managed to attack one of the werewolves when it came in with their food, knocked him out, and while everyone else was enjoying a meaty meal, he and Amelia got the heck away. At some point he would've taken the antidote like the sneaky thing that he can be, got rid of the vial, and so he's good to go veritaserum-wise for the next 6-(10?) hours. :D

August 2009



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