Hello everyone! I'm __'s imaginary friend...

But I came anyway!

A brand new and ancient musebox

A brand new and Ancient musebox for a few select friends and myself! ;) <3 if you know me, you're DEFINITELY welcome; if not, you may be welcome anyway; just ask,eh wot? lol!


9th June 2014

"diplomatic" truce

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WHO: Armand St. Just ([info]did_i_say_percy) and Mary Selwyn ([info]cover_story)
WHAT: A chance meeting
WHERE: a public bench, possibly in London
WHEN: damned if I know
WHY: so they can get to know one another

As public benches went, this one was sturdy and relatively clean. Armand had no idea how he'd gotten so lost in such a short amount of time. A bit ago, he thought he'd heard church bells which might have been familiar, so perhaps this was London. He wasn't so experienced with that city, but at least he couldn't feel so lost if this was only London. Richmond wasn't that many miles away, even if he didn't know how to get there.

Trouble was that now it was growing dark, and the very few coins in his pocket would probably be needed for coach fare. He sat on the very edge of the park bench, trying to decide if it was a good place to sleep or if he could seek out a park and hide in the bushes. The streets didn't seem so very crowded, but he didn't want to run into the law without any papers.

He kept an eye out anxiously for anyone whom he might ask for advice.

14th June 2011

NEW RP [for [info]lost_cause_ and [info]idled]

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Who: Pansy Parkinson and Matthew Selwyn
What: Matthew's looking for flowers for his sister's grave again, along with... something more...!
When: Friday, 10 June 2002, early in the morning (Well, as early as Posies is open! XD)
Rating: Say... PG for likely talk of Death (and not the fun, whimsical one from the Sandman comics, either! XD)

Poetry is about the grief; politics is about the grievance. ~Robert Frost )

All right, PLOTTING TIME IS NOW! :DD (for [info]idled/[info]mussed

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All right, so here's the PLANNING AND PLOTTING POST for our VERY SPECIAL STORYLINE! :DD <333 Where would you like to begin? XD Possibly by CARRYING OVER our initial thread on ITF here? :DDD <333 CAN YOU TELL I'M EXCITED BY THIS!? XDDD <333

14th August 2010

November 2nd, 1981

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