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July 11th, 2009

[info]bl_susan in [info]bloodlines_rp

The Truth...or Something Like It

Date & Time: 11 September 2002 | tea time
Post Type: RP
Status: Closed: Complete
Character(s): Susan Bones, Charlie Weasley
Location: The Owl's Nest (coffee shop in Muggle London)
Summary: Charlie and Susan talk.

Her hands were shaking so badly she had trouble holding her cup. )

[info]bl_npc_ministry in [info]bloodlines_rp

Coincidence or Consequence

Date & Time: 11 September 2002 | very early morning
Post Type: RP
Status: Closed: Complete
Character(s): Val Anderson (NPC), Will Turpin
Location: Ministry of Magic, Enforcer Offices
Summary: Val takes a much-needed break and gets more than she bargained for.

It was just ten minutes to sit on an uncomfortable chair and read a day-old copy of the Prophet, but it was something. )

[info]bl_katie in [info]bloodlines_rp

RP: Remembering.

Date & Time: September 11, 2002.
Post Type: RP
Status: Closed: Complete
Character(s): Katie Bell, Thomas Bell (NPC)
Location: Katie's flat, Hogsmeade
Summary: On the first anniversary of 9/11, Katie intends to pay her respects, but a visit from her brother starts the day off on the wrong foot.

One year gone. )

[info]bl_penelope in [info]bloodlines_rp

Saturday Night

Date & Time: 11th September 2002
Post Type: RP.
Status: Open: Public
Character(s): Penelope Clearwater: Open
Location: Leaky Cauldron, Diagon Alley
Summary: Penny decides not to spend Saturday evening alone and heads down to the pub for good wine and hopefully, good company.

Take a sip of my wine. It will make you feel fine. )

[info]bl_neville in [info]bloodlines_rp


Date & Time: 11 September 2002 | evening
Post Type: RP
Status: Closed: Complete
Character(s): Neville Longbottom, Mandy Brocklehurst, Augusta Longbottom
Location: Longbottom Estate (Gran's house)
Summary: Mandy helps Neville pack for his move.

He didn't have much to pack, but he liked that she was here anyway. )