Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

Who are you payin' | Ah what are you sayin'

Who: Severus Snape and Eoin McClory
What: This is why you carry a donor card.
When: April 26th, 1982
Where: The Three Broomsticks, then Hogwarts.
Rating: Assume R for gore, possibly language.

Are you gonna sell | Are you gonna buy )
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Sunday, April 24th, 2011

Who: Regulus Black and Severus Snape
What: Snape assists Regulus in Potions.
When: 20 April 1978 (BACKDATED)
Where: Slytherin Common Room.
Rating: PG-13 Perhaps for foul language and gratuitous amounts of snark.

people are strange when you're a stranger )
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