April 21st, 2012

[info]jo_beth in [info]blood_red_sky

American Pie (Spike, Music Challenge)

Things were sort of back to normal for Jo. At least as normal as they might ever be. If one counted having to wear an amulet to keep demons out of your head, having a screwed-up and confusing relationship with your boyfriend, having now met two daughters from your future, one of whom was missing as normal, then sure, things were just fine and dandy.

Jo needed the distraction. And she was starting to think that she needed to get her own place too. At the very least, she needed to do something so that if she and Dean were staying together, it was a choice that they both made instead of him feeling obligated to care for her.

Which was why she'd gone to beg for her old job back. She had apologized profusely and promised to work all of the crappy shifts and was now wearing an apron and waiting for customers. Unfortunately, Tuesday nights were usually dead as a doornail. So she put a song on the jukebox and then started to clean the bar countertop yet again.

She sang softly under her breath along with the words to 'American Pie' as she worked.