February 16th, 2012

[info]tooprecious in [info]blood_red_sky

Making Good... (OPEN)

Sam's conversation with Molly had gotten him to thinking. He'd told her that not even the devil himself could make him abandon his family, or friends, and as he'd said it, he realized there was something that he needed to do, in order to make good on his word. To make sure that he didn't let anything drive a wedge between himself, and his brother.

So he sat down with his phone that morning, and tried to compose some kind of message, to let Dean know that he was ready to face the world again. He wasn't totally healed yet, mentally or emotionally, but he knew the only way to continue healing was to get out of his head and back into the saddle--so to speak.

Just a few quick words. He knew Dean wasn't one for big, sentimental speeches.

Got any jobs for me? I'm ready to get back to work.

He'd sent the text, then shot off a quick one to Molly, as well:

What's the word?

Then he tucked his phone into his pocket, and headed out for a run. Maybe he'd pick up a paper, or some 'gossip' at the local diner when he stopped for his mid-morning caffeine fix. If not, maybe he'd head back to bother Dean and Jo, anyway.