blevcons - May 8th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 8th, 2011

Aubrey Dollar [May. 8th, 2011|02:32 am]


Aubrey has been one of my favorites for forever, and she was super adorable on this show. She also imho could be a great pb for sisters with Shenae Grimes, and clotheswise I think she'd make a really cute young Emma Pillsbury, if a need for that ever happened to arise.

Please credit [info]blevcons or [info]glitterberries
Commenting is always appreciated.

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John Stamos [May. 8th, 2011|09:52 pm]



Please credit [info]blevcons or [info]glitterberries
Commenting is always appreciated.

77 John Stamos icons )
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