blevcons - January 12th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 12th, 2009

Georgia Moffett [Jan. 12th, 2009|12:51 am]


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Please credit [info]blevcons or [info]glitterberries
Commenting is always appreciated.

114 Georgia Moffett icons )
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Michael Welch [Jan. 12th, 2009|01:54 am]


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Please credit [info]blevcons or [info]glitterberries
Commenting is always appreciated.

84 Michael Welch icons )
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Chyler Leigh [Jan. 12th, 2009|08:33 pm]



Harddrive cleaning post! I've had these done and ready to upload since I did the batch with Chyler with glasses - they just never got posted for whatever reason.

Please credit [info]blevcons or [info]glitterberries
Commenting is always appreciated.

127 Chyler Leigh icons )
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