blevcons - June 18th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 18th, 2007

Martin Starr icons [Jun. 18th, 2007|09:20 pm]


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Everyone, I found Snape! He was hiding under short hair and a pair of glasses, but I found him in an episode of Undeclared. I love this kid. I love him so much. And he has enough smiley and drunk pictures so people could use him for a non!Snape character, but is grumpy enough to be Snapeified. AND HE HAS A SLYTHERIN TIE. :D He also looks frighteningly like every guy named Dan I have ever known, but I don't think that has anything to do with anything.


Please credit [info]blevcons or [info]glitterberries
Commenting is always appreciated.

105 Martin Starr icons )
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