Bleach Fanfiction

May 5th, 2008

Bleach Fanfiction


May 5th, 2008

Beauty in the Breakdown - Ikkaku/Yumichika

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Originally written for the April round of Bleach Flashfic
Pairing: Ikkaku/Yumichika
Word Count: ~1100
Rating: R
Notes: Oh god I can't write Ikkaku. D:
Also, this takes place before the canon starts, but not that long before.
Also, tense changes seem to happen in a few places, but I'm leaving them in there, because I like the way this ended up flowing. Eleventh Division sure is wacky.
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite owns BLEACH, and I do not. Which is probably for the best, considering what I usually do to the characters. >_>

(Fake cut, but that's okay 8D)

xposted to [info]bleach_yaoi and [info]bleachfic
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