Bleach Fanfiction

April 21st, 2008

Bleach Fanfiction


April 21st, 2008

Ficlet: Chocolate Charms [Byakuya/Renji, Ichigo; Tame (G)]

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Title: Chocolate Charms
Author: [info]ldybastet
Summary: Byakuya stoically ignores the gift he received on Valentine's, until Ichigo makes a guest appearance.
Characters/Pairing: Byakuya/Renji, Ichigo
Rating: Tame (G)
Disclaimer: The boys belong to Kubo Tite. I'm just borrowing them, having them do things the original creator probably never thought of.
Notes: Spoilers through the Soul Society arc. Written for the [info]ides_of_march challenge on IJ. My prompt was Cranky. ~720 words. Sequel to A Volatile Valentine's. Thanks to [info]nishizono for the speedy beta! Feedback welcome, and if I've made mistakes, please point them out.

Chocolate Charms
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