Bleach Fanfiction

March 25th, 2008

Bleach Fanfiction


March 25th, 2008

[info]hollow_fic - Bleach/Devil Hunter Yohko fic

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Name: [info]hollow_fic - a Bleach/Devil Hunter Yohko crossover fanfic.
Rating: Rated R.
Summery: 16 year old Yohko Mano is grieving the loss of her family, butchered like dogs by unseen demons. Now, the Death Gods are coming for her. What's a devil hunter to do?

Note:Chapters 1-10 can be read at the LJ community here.
Come chapter 11, I will mirror the chapters here as well. If you're firmly against visiting LJ, you can read the fic at,, or Adultfanfiction.

I also welcome people to write this fic with me, in a sort of role play. If you're interested in taking up a character, the information for applying is in the user info.
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