Bleach Fanfiction

March 22nd, 2008

Bleach Fanfiction


March 22nd, 2008

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Pairing: Ryuuken/Uryuu, implied Ichi/Ishi
Word Count: ~5400
Rating: NC-17
Notes: WARNING: Blatant incest. Spoilers for BLEACH manga 186 and up. Hasn't everyone read this already, though?
Light bondage, dub-con (not the whole way through). Inappropriate use of fabricated Quincy gintou technique. Don't like it, don't read it.
Purely plotless sex, because I couldn't get the image out of my head.
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite owns BLEACH, and I do not. Considering how I'm using these characters, this is probably for the best.
LJ Fuckwittery disclaimer: All characters depicted in sexual situations in this fanfiction (including material in the comments) are fictional and are intended to be and considered to be by the author of said material of the legal age of consent in the United States state of California, regardless of what age these characters may be in the material they are derived from.

(Shame on you for thinking you're an exception)

xposted to [info]bleachfic and [info]bleach_yaoi

Runaway Horse, Hollow!Ichigo/Ishida, NC17

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I'm so glad to find Bleach asylums here!

Title: Runaway Horse
Author: Nehalenia
Pairing: Hollow!Ichigo/Ishida
Rating: NC17
Warning: Disturbing content, Non-con/dub-con, rough!sex, shower!sex (sorta), bondage, coercion. Slight spoilers if you haven’t read up to #221 in the manga.
Disclaimer: The boys all belong to Kubo Tite. I’m just taking them out for a ride.
Authors Note: This is the first fic resulting from the recent Ishida Slash surveys that so many people were kind enough to answer. I'll admit I was going for a Ichigo/Ishida/Hichigo three-way, but this is what came out. Don't worry, tho. I'm sure the three of them will be getting together soon.

Runaway Horse )
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