Bleach Fanfiction

January 31st, 2008

Bleach Fanfiction


January 31st, 2008

Fic: Ichigo/Ishida, NC-17 "Ishida Dreams"

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Title: Ishida Dreams
Author: Nehalenia
Pairing: Ichigo/Ishida
Genre: PWP (truly, a shameless excuse for smut; that's all there really is to it.)
Rating: NC17 (for boy-smex)
Word Count: 6200 or so
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Kubo Tite. This is for entertainment only and no profit is being sought or gained.
Author's Notes: Many thanks to [info]rabidfangrrl for the intial read-through. If there are problems with this -- and I don't doubt there are -- they are my fault alone. I can't say I'm entirely happy with this, but I've had the devil of a time writing this pairing, and it finally came down to needing to get the damn thing off my queu. I hope it has some small amusement value.

Ishida Dreams )
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