Bleach Fanfiction

November 19th, 2007

Bleach Fanfiction


November 19th, 2007

Bleach: "Restraint" -- Renji/Ishida, NC17, NWS

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Title: Restraint
Author: Nehalenia
For: Long-promised Birthday Fic for [info]rabid_fangrrl
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Renji/Ishida
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5500 or so
Disclaimer: Bleach and all its characters belong to Kubo Tite. I’m just playing with his toys.
Warnings: boy-sex, very slight dub-con, first time, slightly rough, PWP, unrepentant smut, BossyUke!Ishida,
Spoilers: This is based on scenes in #274 and #299 and post-#299 speculation.
Story Notes: I mostly write in the Harry Potter arena, but since the evil [info]rabid_fangrrl turned me onto Bleach, I promised her a naughty Bleach-fic for her birthday. Therefore, this is my first. I still haven’t read all the manga or seen all the episodes, so I hope the boys aren’t too OOC. Renji’s voice and characterization in this owes a lot to [info]debbiechan's wonderful fic ‘Satisfaction’, mainly because I think that’s exactly how Renji sounds/talks/thinks, and since this is my first Bleach-fic, I haven’t quite got a handle on the characterizations, sooo… consider it flattery. Oh, and I know even less about Japan than about Bleach, so please feel free to let me know if there are glaring cultural errors. Feedback & concrit also cheerfully absorbed. RFG, I hope you enjoy this. I know you waited long enough. ;-)

Restraint )
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