Bleach Fanfiction

October 28th, 2007

Bleach Fanfiction


October 28th, 2007

Orihime, IchiHime, IchiRuki (emphasis on the IchiHime)

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Fandom: Bleach
Title: Signs
Characters/Pairings: Orihime, with allusions to possible IchiHime and IchiRuki.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 434 (according to Word)
Genre: Romance/Introspection (can that really be considered a genre?)
Warnings: Spoilers for chapter 286 of the manga and a reference to the Bleach movie, Memories of Nobody
Summary: Orihime would’ve liked to think Kurosaki-kun coming all the way to Hueco Mundo just to rescue her was a sign of his undying love for her.
Notes: It's a little stream-of-consciousness, but not confusingly so. Also, this is completely unbeta'd; feel free to point out any errors. Keep in mind that this my first Bleach piece.

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