For all your Blaise-worship needs

elfflame posting in For all your Blaise-worship needs
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2008-02-17 09:15
Subject: Fic: Seduction's Prey - Lucius/Blaise/Draco - NC-17
Security: Public
Tags:fiction, lucius/draco/blaise

Title: Seduction’s Prey
Author: Elfflame
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Lucius/Blaise/Draco
Summary: Blaise gets what he always wanted. And a little bit more.
Warning: Incest, threesome, rimming
A/N: To [info]ldybastet on your birthday. I hope you like it. Inspired by you, of course. I tried to think of something else, but this really wanted to be written. Big hugs to my lovely beta, [info]littlecup

Everyone wants something )

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