For all your Blaise-worship needs - February 20th, 2008

elfflame posting in For all your Blaise-worship needs
User: [info]blaise_zabini (posted by [info]elfflame)
Date: 2008-02-20 06:53
Subject: Fic: The Replacement
Security: Public
Tags:blaise/miles, fiction

Title: The Replacement
Author: Elfflame
Person/Pairing: Blaise/Slytherin Quidditch team (minus Draco), ?/Blaise
Summary: Blaise offers himself up to save his friend. Hurt/comfort.
Word Count: 3195
Rating: NC-17 for heavy sexual subject matter of a less than pleasant nature.
Warnings: Rather dub-con, possibly could even be considered non-con, as well as chan (Blaise is 14)
Author's notes: This is the first part of a three-part story that came to me for 50 Smutlets. There is an actual pairing here aside from Blaise with the team, but I want to keep it under wraps until the end. This is not a happy fic, but the sequel is much more so.

We each make our own choices )

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