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August 17th, 2014

[info]snarkyknightley in [info]blackpoint

cut for pic, let's pretend this is clearly Alex and Emma )

[info]emmaapproved in [info]blackpoint

WHO Alex Knightley and Emma Woodhouse (for the last time~)
WHAT Alex and Emma go camping to get away, and decide to elope on the fly.
WHEN Back-dated to Thursday!
WHERE Some undisclosed mountain-top.
STATUS Complete!

We really found the perfect spot. )

[info]whatthebucky in [info]blackpoint

WHO: Bucky Barnes & Darcy Lewis-Barnes
WHEN: August 17th, 2014
WHERE: Washington, D.C. - Their Home
WHAT: The two get some exciting news.
RATING: PG-13 for Language

In case you don’t have demonic super soldier sperm and it’s a mistake. )

[info]professormoony in [info]blackpoint

WHO: Princess Emma and Remus Lupinone war
WHERE: Downtown Honolulu
WHEN: Backdated to 1 August
WHAT: Sort of a meet-cute?
STATUS: log; complete

Well, I've already lost my bearings, you see. I couldn't very well lose my chocolate, too. )

[info]fullmoonfeel in [info]blackpoint

I heard Starbucks is coming out with their pumpkin spice latte early this year, and all I can say is thank goodness one one my scholarships comes with a meal stipend. I know they're considered frou-frou, but I don't care. They taste delicious.

Also, in other news, it looks like NYU knew there would be some Stilinskis coming through so they added something special for them. It actually looks like a pretty neat program, but I'll stick with electrical engineering.

[info]scarfed in [info]blackpoint

I know it's been awhile since I was in Beacon Hills anyway, but it's so damn nice to be able to run without having to worry about something big and bad chasing you.

[info]halfexustio in [info]blackpoint

There is something sad about the demon being the most civil person in the negotiations. It's my job but still. Sad yet hilarious.

So I'm in LA until tomorrow morning and I have a corporate credit card. Who wants to go get drinks?