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March 30th, 2014

[info]thundering in [info]blackpoint

Jane, I have finished our home.

I welcome all to join us on the beach to celebrate the completion of this labor this afternoon. There will be a feast fit for kings, of roasted pig and mead!

[info]abitch in [info]blackpoint

At least the show's finally realizing I'm be bros with both Matty and Gilbert.

Yo, Bonnie! Spa day?

[info]totallyknowcpr in [info]blackpoint

Time to prepare for the onslaught of stupid April Fool's pranks.

At least make it interesting this year, guys?

[info]bamfshee in [info]blackpoint

I think this sassy second grader's answer says it all in response to having to prove why a simple math problem is correct. Keep listening to those voices, sweetie. They're keeping you on the right track.

I'll drag you shopping with me if you try and prank me on April Fool's, and I'm not talking about the fun, sexy lingerie shopping that you're imagining right now.

[info]quarterque in [info]blackpoint

Like almost everything else, we Brits tend to do things first. From one island to another, Happy Mother's Day to all of the lucky mums out there.

((ooc; If you're a mum and one of James' friends, you would have gotten a card that turned into a bouquet of your favorite flowers after you opened it. In addition, Lily would have gotten a full night's sleep, a little baby with a big bow on her head with her own card for her mum, and breakfast in bed this morning. Dorea would have gotten the same as well.))

[info]wergent in [info]blackpoint

Well, this place looks fun.

[info]mccalled in [info]blackpoint

text messages to petra hale )

[info]pegcarter in [info]blackpoint

So I went back to the office to pick up a file I forgot and apparently April Fools came early. )

[info]fauxllace in [info]blackpoint

The first time I was transported to another world they told me no problem, this will be over soon and you'll be able to go on with your life as if nothing happened. This time I'm apparently stuck in 2014 without Star Fleet and all I really can say is fuck you very much, fate, for keeping me from the Academy in a world where the space program is a thing of the past - which blows my mind, really.

[info]allhalethequeen in [info]blackpoint

We're going to need something a bit better than chicken feet.

I know a lot of you don't like me, but that won't make me want to protect you any less. Kate Argent is here, and I don't know what exactly is under my sister's fingernails that made her a werejaguar and even if the portal will make her a puppet at the first sign of violence, I wouldn't put it past her to get creative.

I've been lax as an alpha since I got here, but anyone who wants to learn, I'm willing to train.

[info]traumatics in [info]blackpoint

who Allison Argent and Isaac Lahey
what Allie has some news.
where NYC, Allison's apartment.
when Saturday night.

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