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March 27th, 2014

[info]teenwolfie in [info]blackpoint

It's done and everyone is okay.

[info]deputee in [info]blackpoint

And here I thought the weirdest thing today would be getting attacked at the station by disapparating monsters from Mortal Kombat.

Shows what I know.

[info]salvageable in [info]blackpoint

Delivered to Detective Williams at HPD around lunchtime )

[info]missinggrace in [info]blackpoint

» The landscaper called and said they're all done.

» Want to corrupt that little shaded area in the backyard with me later?

[info]paiging in [info]blackpoint

[ 5-0 ]
Hi there. I know you guys are pretty much the authority on how to handle things here in Blackpoint, so I figured I'd get your input. How might someone go about adopting a fellow transplant here? I know neither of us really have official documents on file or anything, but she was a foster kid back in her timeline. She -- Malia Tate -- has given me permission, and I'd like to see about going through that process. I've already done so unofficially, really, but she's spent so long as a ward of the state that I feel like having something official and on paper would make a huge difference to her.

Any help would be very much appreciated!

[ teen wolf adults + her rtw loves ]
Malia's going to let me adopt her.

[info]motherfingghost in [info]blackpoint

All right it took until now, but I'm finally fucking sick of being asked to bite people. Even the sexy ones. For fuck's sake I've got other shit to do.

[info]marauda in [info]blackpoint

Is this your idea of a birthday prank, Portal? Poor form. There's always cake involved in a proper birthday prank.

{{ooc; Portal-swapped James Potter! He's coming from March 2013 from BP, so he'll know everyone :)}}

[info]beyourbatman in [info]blackpoint

Dude, what the hell?

[ooc: stiles from the au where isaac killed his dad and not the kanima. details in his & malia's (iwokeuplikethis) journals]

[info]hardnocklife in [info]blackpoint

[ RTW!TW Kids Filter ]

Lydia and I are going to make ice cream white russians and watch Frozen. We're also going to sharpen weapons and paint our nails. Kira, you're invited.

Boys, whatever you choose to do with your lives tonight will not be nearly as magical.

I'm so glad this is over.

[ / Filter ]