For Black Is His Favourite Colour's Journal
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Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

    Time Event
    Potterverse Fic -- Poisson d'Avril
    First post here.

    Title: Poisson d'Avril
    Author: Persephone Yavanna the Entwife
    Pairing/Characters: Lucius, Narcissa, Severus, Peter, Remus, Lily, Sirius, Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Rabastan and Horace
    Wordcount: 8411
    Rating: G for gen (in other words, completely work-safe!)
    Warnings: None, to my mind, but hints of femdom and mild language might offend the more sensitive souls
    Disclaimer: JK Rowling and assorted others have rights to create derivative works within the Potterverse, but I am not one of those licensees, unfortunately. Rather not be sued for playing with the characters, though . . . not making a profit here, just exploring the characters and situations created by the esteemed Ms. Rowling.
    Summary: Severus gets some unexpected help in turning the tables on Sirius Black
    Author Notes: The title comes from the French term for April Fools. This is also my first Marauders-era story.

    Poisson d'Avril

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: "Vengeance (The Pact)" by Blue Oyster Cult

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