19 August 2007 @ 02:23 am
Theme #5 Announcement  
Since [info]bj_action has found a new home, what better way for us to advertise all this asylum has to offer than by hosting a new challenge?

And since it's always about sex unless it's about death there is clearly only one agency up to this monumental task....

Theme #5: Sex at Kinnetik

Sign ups start now. They end not really at 4am EST on Monday, August 20th.

Fics are due by 5pm EST on Sunday, August 26th, and must be emailed to action . bj @ gmail . com (no spaces) in the correct format. If you are unfamiliar with the rules, you can check them out here in our profile.

So have at it all you wonderfully porny authors. The possibilities are endless, as long as they take place inside Kinnetik.
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Britin: busy by sanami276[info]_alicesprings on August 20th, 2007 01:38 am (UTC)
I'm in IF I can come up with a plot bunny and manage to write it before deadline, and Xie has time to beta it and it doesn't suck, which is highly unlikely. But I will try!
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Ny: action 107 sex hand on neck[info]not_yet_defined on August 20th, 2007 01:49 am (UTC)
at the moment i am only capable of processing positive information.

so...YAY, you are in!! :D

and i bet if you asked, people could come up with bunnies for you.
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Britin: pda by raelala[info]_alicesprings on August 20th, 2007 01:55 am (UTC)
at the moment i am only capable of processing positive information.

so...YAY, you are in!! :D


Well, the thing is, I have too many bunnies in mind! Do I want to write season 4 Kinnetik, or post-513 Kinnetik, or season 3 Kinnetik. Sigh.

Oops, it only just occurred to me that season 3 was Vangard, not Kinnetik. I kinda wanted to do a season 3 fucking at work fic, too. Oh well, another fic for another day ;)
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Ny: 311 kiss w/brian bedhead[info]not_yet_defined on August 20th, 2007 02:27 am (UTC)
i know you aren't asking for voting...but i vote for s4 fic. actually i vote for whatever inspires you to write. :D

as for the s3 fucking at work...i'm sure if you give us enough time, a theme will come along that that will fit in.
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Britin[info]_alicesprings on August 25th, 2007 04:03 pm (UTC)
I sent you my fic, can you let me know if you got it, cheers!
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