June 20th, 2013

[info]gilded_justice in [info]bizarre_ooc

It feels like more people are on hiatus than there are playing.

I know some of my characters are pretty woven into the fabric of things and I don't want to mess everyone up, but I'm pretty ready to pull everyone myself since for the most part I feel things are stagnating.

I guess if this would mess things up too much for anyone, speak now or hold your peace, etc

Questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, whatever.

Is everyone happy with the mass of guidelines? The big idea here was that freeform was basically dead and I missed it.

Well, now it's dead here. There's a novel to read if anyone wants to join. I am not trying to demean the work that was put into it because it is truly impressive.

What I am thinking is that I will leave my characters for PSL purposes when necessary. But if it is easier to see them all written out, I am content with that as well.