May 18th, 2013

[info]darkfae in [info]bizarre_ooc


Hello all! This is Ashley, player of Aneirin Calmcacil here. I am posting to beg ask if anyone is perchance looking to take on a Sidhe/whatever hybrid. Why? Because Nye has a younger hybrid half-brother. And with their father dying in the latest Danaan conflict, it will leave Nye an orphan with only his brother as family, and Ianto (the brother) without his father. So there is lotsa potential, I think, for plotting. He would have ties through Nye in the game, not to mention whatever ties he would like to make for himself. And I so see Ianto and Nye having a close brotherly relationship.

So! Would anyone, by chance, be interested? I'd LOVE to see him played with Thomas Dekker as the PB, only because I think it is slightly scary how brother-like they look to be in some pictures. However, I'm so open to that changing.

So! Interested? Contact me! Please? I'll make you pretty things.... ^_^