November 23rd, 2010

[info]waning_truth in [info]bizarre_city

Who: Mel and Mikino
Where: Their Home
When: Late at night

It was a human, or it looked to be a human, crawling towards her on six legs, or was it eight? Mel wasn't sure, all she knew was that her back was against the wall. The creature had it's eyes ripped out, mouth open in what should have been a scream, and that's when she noticed the bodies attached to it. Was it three? She wasn't sure, she didn't want to look, and even more she didn't want it to touch her. It kept crawling towards her, reaching out a hand that was cold, icy. It touched her skin and let out a scream, a scream of three voices. She began to cry because there was nothing she could do.

A figure came around the corner with a knife held high, something gleamed, it looked like a knife. "You'll make the perfect addition, such a pretty face." The man, what she assumed to be a man but more of a monster said as he stepped forward. The creature held onto her legs, begging for freedom and unable to let her run for her own. She saw the flash of golden eyes...

It was so cold.. so very cold...

He ate my heart, he a-a-ate my heart. )