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Apr. 15th, 2009


sorry for the sudden influx of felicia, but i have a very serious question.

how well-received would a teenage boy be, anyway?

his name's giuseppe capelli, 16, heterosexual, human, anton yelchin ( of charlie bartlett fame! ), half-jewish, half-italian. call 'em as you sees em. oh, and if i could find a brother for him, i definitely wouldn't be complaining.

Apr. 7th, 2009


adding another character to my bank.

this is calypso keats, and she is a runaway witch with the face of stacy dupree. what can be said about this girl? she was recently part of a coven centered around black magic, and ridding l.a. of those who opposed supernaturals. in all honesty, she's a closed book, but honesty isn't really her trade. so, in reality, she's friendly and manipulative. she's eager to get her way, and that is the safety and shelter of someone to protect her from the leader of the coven she left.

all in all, she's nice. and soon to be in the possession of arthur, aforementioned protector.




Hey all, I'm Jess and I just finally got this guy right here into the creek. This would be Dimitri (something I can't remember cause it's too late and I should be in bed) Black played by Channing Tatum. Anyway! He is one of the many werewolf's living around these parts. So far he has been here for two years so obviously he is gonna need some lines. He's a loner just because he honestly doesn't trust anyone aside from the 8monther he has and his madre. (Yes, he is a mama's boy but that's not the point).

He could definitely use some friendlies and possibly some enemies since he is one to say exactly what is on his mind. He doesn't sugar coat anything and won't try to do it. He's twenty three going on four but he's looked 26 for the past five years. Good on the need to buy drinks. Not that he's a heavy drinker anyway! Lines:

Dimitri might need some of his family around who are all human by the way. His late wife was shot eight months ago and it would be awesome if I could get the hunter who found them and killed her. He could use someone who tries to encourage him that being a wolf isn't so terrible. Probably someone that could get him back to wanting to dance again. He stopped when his wifey died and hasn't found a reason to do it again. Maybe some students from the high school, or some clients since he is also a personal trainer. Yes the guy stays busy.

Leave me a comment or you can reach me at dblack is moving if you want something and we'll figure something good out.

Apr. 5th, 2009



Haha so HIE! It's Katie, annnnd.. I'm here because I'm searching for some lines for Delilah.. I've done this before, I'm just hoping I get some bites!

The THREE main lines I need for her are her brother, Mason Gordon, he's 21, PB Corbin Bleu, he's the youngest Gordon. He'll be graduated college this year, he's a sports fanatic, and really the goofball of the family. He's really close with both Delilah and Ashton, so he'll be moving out here soon to be with them! WE WANT HIM!! He's a witch.

Another is her Aunt Raquel Sanchez! PB of Sara Ramierz (I can't spell her last name and I'm far too lazy), she's in her 30's, the leader of the Birch Creek Coven, a witch, the local medicin woman, and has lived here all her life. She lives with her long time boyfriend, Adam Hunt, PB of Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson, whom is either human or witch, can't be anything else. They're really awesome and close with Delilah and her bros.


A line that Ivan and I were just talking about was an ex boyfriend from back home! It can either be a high school sweetheart from back in Jersey, OR a college boyfriend that went to Quinnipiac in he can be from anywhere around there. We can discuss the line, they can still be friends...but it's gonna make Preston jealous XD Especially since they haven't really established what their relationship is..

SOME FRIENDS FROM BACK HOME! Girls or boys, they could have gone to high school with Delilah, lived in Jersey, worked with her at the mall, or went to Qunnipiac University with her in Connecticut. I just want some friends for her! It'd be awesome. They can be any species by now.

And Ashton's [info]trashyashton bandmates! Discuss the specifics with Allison but they will know Delilah as she was growing up!

Anyway, I'm on AIM at team dazzled if you're interested!! I hope you are, I am starting to get bored with her ad I dont wanna!!


don't skip this please!

Anyway I know I posted this before, also with another one of my characters who is sixteen, but I'm in dire need of major plottage! so anything would help, so please don't skip this, I haven't been around I blame HP for their lazy job at sending me my laptop back. and O hai! I'm Tina!!!

This is April Chandler, played by the ever so lovely Candice Swanepoel, she’s eternally eighteen years old, and hates Alaska with a burning passion of five million witches at the stake. April is one of those numerous vampire girls who hates the fact that she’s stuck in the coldest place on earth, and would rather burn up in the sun then have to live in -3 degrees all year okay so maybe that’s over exaggerating but it’s close enough. April was turned over the summer of 08 the day after her eighteenth birthday, by a stranger her friend claimed to have met, she doesn’t really remember who he was, but she’s dead set on killing him if she ever finds him.

So, since her main fun SL has gone away, she needs lines any and everything Oh and she’s also a meat eater, she doesn’t believe in that whole vegetarian nonsense it makes no sense and she will refuse and argue you down if you try to tell her otherwise. April is a bit of a snaky bitch, but can be nice when need be, she despises all things furry or at least some of them, because they smell funny, kind of like wet dogs. {oh HAI PUPPY TATYANA!} anyway lines lines the most marvelous things! Hit me with any and everything!!

Oh and you can also catch me at one of the three sn’s Whiz kid tika, Aaron Rawks out, April is a killer
So please feel free to IM me, harass me ect. I love it.

PS, I'm really nice, and I promise I'm not mean! so feel free to IM me IC or OOC.

Also I have some other characters but I’m totally putting this under a cut to save face lol to many haha.

other characters! )


You guys have no idea how happy this rousing bit of plotting and planning and storylining has me. It's great to see this bit upsurge, and it's inspired me to post one of these for myself!! Be prepared, I have six characters, so I think I'll put this under a cut, just in case it DOES get long and rambley. And if I'm SLOW getting back to you, it's because my amount of homework is insane and It Has Ate An Ivo Woe.

I'm Ivan and I like long walks on the.....SIDEWALK, HA. GOT YOUUU )


Because Maureen brought it up again, I'm one of the ones she mentioned as needing a pick-me-up as far as plot is concerned!

To reintroduce myself, I'm Livi! I've been a bit preoccupied lately (because my fiancé is lame) and have been lazy about getting on AIM, but I promise to start changing that! So if you see me online (liviiintheskyyy), please say 'hello'! I'd love to meet you!

Right now, the only character I have is Elizabeth. She has a great deal of plot with Quinn, but she desperately needs some other people around Birch Creek to know (especially because she's currently doing her very best to avoid Quinn). If any of your characters want to chat with her, she's at BettyyyWrites.

Also, I'm looking at potentially picking up a male character. I'd really only like to do so if he has fantastic plot, so if any of yours are in need of a male for a specific plot, please contact me!

- Livi

Apr. 4th, 2009


Yes, it’s me again! I’m still pimping for lines, this is Sienna Goodwin, she’s human and sixteen she’s pretty naïve about things that go bump in the night, and she’s fascinated by everything furry including wolves, bears, foxes ect. Her father who is NPC is one of the numerous doctors at the clinic, and he makes it a point to keep her pretty much in the dark about what goes on during full moon.

I had a few SL’s with her but after my computer pretty much died on me, I have nothing, so any and everything would help out. ALSO! There is still April, who is a vampire who I still need lines for! you can see her plea line here.

But yeah it’s not long, but hah I’m sick so bare with me.


Hi! My name is Maureen for those of you that may or may not have remembered. I play four characters in Birch Creek and I seem to have hit a dry spell. So I wanted to offer that if any of you need plot and it my work out to share some with me, I'm usually on quite a bit.

But April is a terrible month for papers and finalizing things, so I'll be mildly sporadic. However, I'm always available to talk on AIM. So don't be afraid to message me! If you want to message scenes, however, please make sure to ask first. Sometimes I'm away from my keyboard and I don't notice until I get back and then I feel absolutely terrible.

Unfortunately, it appears my other two girls, Corina and Alexandra, have disappeared, so my plot with them is greatly diminished. I have plot for Quinn with Lissy, Elizabeth, and Carter, but otherwise, it's at an all time low of practically none. If you would like something to do with Quinn, please do not hesitate to ask. We're always eager to have something to do. [info]quiinnn

Devon is looking fairly sad with his two contacts thus far. We haven't scened yet, but he's running on low. So if you have anything you'd like to ask of him, let us know! We're more than happy to help scoot plot along any way we can. [info]devonm

Leo Lloyd is still in hiding, but his first thread flopped. He's the one I'm the most inspired for, so if you'd like to bother him in a scene, we're much more apt to reply that way than through an instant message. He steals Jenny's Wi-Fi, but people aren't supposed to know who he is or that he's in Birch Creek. If you want in on the 'figuring out that Leo exists and is hiding in Birch Creek bothering Jenn' plot, please, hop in! [info]leolloyd

And finally, I have poor Arthur Grant. Who quite literally has no plot. He has familial ties, but he has nothing to do and it's really sad. Because I love his character! I hope that someone else needs plot too and can share with him because while I love him dearly, I don't want to have to drop him. [info]argrant

I'd also like to mention that a few of us don't know all of you, but we're lacking on plot. So James, Becca, Livi, and I could all use a little extra nudging if you see us around. We like plot just as much as the rest of you. And we really like Birch Creek! :D

Apr. 3rd, 2009


save me from dying??

Alright, since there are tons and tons of new faces, and I’ve been gone forever!! What better time to do a storyline plea? Right? Right!

This is April Chandler, played by the ever so lovely Candice Swanepoel, she’s eternally eighteen years old, and hates Alaska with a burning passion of five million witches at the stake. April is one of those numerous vampire girls who hates the fact that she’s stuck in the coldest place on earth, and would rather burn up in the sun then have to live in -3 degrees all year okay so maybe that’s over exaggerating but it’s close enough. April was turned over the summer of 08 the day after her eighteenth birthday, by a stranger her friend claimed to have met, she doesn’t really remember who he was, but she’s dead set on killing him if she ever finds him.

So, since her main fun SL has gone away, she needs lines any and everything Oh and she’s also a meat eater, she doesn’t believe in that whole vegetarian nonsense it makes no sense and she will refuse and argue you down if you try to tell her otherwise. April is a bit of a snaky bitch, but can be nice when need be, she despises all things furry or at least some of them, because they smell funny, kind of like wet dogs. {oh HAI PUPPY TATYANA!} anyway lines lines the most marvelous things! Hit me with any and everything!!

Oh and you can also catch me at one of the three sn’s Whiz kid tika, Aaron Rawks out, April is a killer
So please feel free to IM me, harass me ect. I love it.

Mar. 30th, 2009


Hi there!

So, basically... my dear little (and somewhat greedy) Elizabeth here would like some additional plot as well as the turbulent bit she has with Quinn. Any ideas for something interesting? I'd be up for pretty much anything.

Or, if nothing else, you're welcome to AIM either myself at liviintheskyyy or Elizabeth at BettyyyWrites. Please do!


Mar. 28th, 2009


Hey everyone! Unfortunately, the player that was going to be bringing in Laurie's 15-year-old daughter Alicia will no longer be able to do so! So I'm totally pimping in-house FIRST to see if anyone would be interested. If not, that's totally cool, because then I'll just start pimping harder in pbads! If you are interested, and want specifics, just comment here, or PM me, or IM me at its kennedy plz. For PB's, I really think good fits would be: Anna Kendrick, Emma Roberts (brunette), or Emily Browning. But I'm open to other ideas!

In non-storyline news, both Laurie and Edward now have AIM screen names, if anyone ever wants to bother them. Which, DO SO! xD

Laurie: laurie czyk
Edward: edward reaps


Mar. 26th, 2009


Hey everybody! This is Allison with my sixth and final character, Jack Dodger. He's 110 years old this year, a former small-time criminal from the old Five Points neighborhood of New York City, and a recovering con artist who's made the effort to go into legitimate business in the last decade or so. He decided to move to Birch Creek very recently, figuring he'd get one step ahead of the law and go on his own, rather than wait to get caught. Though he doesn't yet know it, his childhood friend and younger brother figure, Devon, is also in Birch as a vampire. Jack, Devon, and Guin were all sired by the same woman (something they've yet to figure out), which is pretty awesome, and Jack, like the other two, is going to be a member of the Adulescentia family. He feeds off human blood, but he likes the whole "voluntary donation" idea and wonders why he didn't set it up as a scam years ago, haha!

Anyway, Jack's also the new manager at Bindings, and he needs some more lines! Unlike my other vampire, Stella, Jack is incredibly friendly toward everyone, and he comes with an adorable Irish accent that he just can't seem to get rid of.

Oh yeah, he's also available on AIM at dodging jack.

Mar. 25th, 2009


Hello, Wisconsin! Hey, guys! This is Becca, your friendly neighborhood [info]lyraswanson. And I'm already here with my second character. What can I say? I have a thing for this game. And for Skins kids. Anyway, this is Carter Wiggins. He's here for [info]lissy_blanc, but he doesn't know it yet. And he'll bet you $10 that his last name is funnier than yours. He grew up in Brooklyn, New York with his deadbeat mother, his father, his older sister. He and his sister grew up pretty fast living in the city, and they had to learn to take care of themselves early on. His mom was an alcoholic and a drug addict until she overdosed when he was fifteen. And, he's in Birch Creek because his sister was sent there after she was attacked by a werewolf, and he didn't want her to have to go it alone. So, needless to say, he has a complicated background. But, most of the time, he doesn't let it get him down. He tries to look toward the future rather than dwelling on the past. He's straight-edge and responsible, but that doesn't mean he can't have fun. He's a songwriter and a guitarist, and irony is his best friend. He's a typical teenager, really.

He needs anything you can throw at him! I'd really like to find someone to play his sister as well. Oh! And he's a junior at Birch Creek High, too, so he'll probably recognize a few of the teenyboppers around here. You can catch him on ex carmen carter. And Lyra and I are still at ex libris iyra.



So, this here, is Michael Cedric Daly. He's 28. He's from Wadsworth, Ohio. And he's human! That family needed someone normal. He's a UT graduate with a degree in psychology and human rights. He dated a vegetarian vampire in college, learned about supernatural people more from her than he did his own family. After he graduated , he hung around Toledo, working with newspapers, and showing up on radio shows to give his opinion of the supernatural world meshing with the human world.

Then one day, he checks his voicemail. And June's in Alaska. And Jake. And Candy. And Abby. And Hallie. He was a little in shock that Hallie was a squirrel. He called his parents to find out what was going on. He had no clue that Abs and C were vampires till he called his parents. Jake's his favorite cousin stfu and well.. he still thinks June + fire = bad, because she blew some fireworks up on him in the middle of a temper tantrum when he was 14, but he still loves the five that are up here, and decided to move up. But no one knows yet. It's kind of a surprise.

So uh, who wants a piece of this human hottie?

Addie (June/Jackie/Val/Reid/Alex)


i'm back for round two. this is katarina, an 18 year old were-snow leopard with a brother that is currently hiding within the depths of birch creek (though she has no idea at this point). she lives on her own in a small apartment bought with the last of her modeling money. she's sweet, a little stubborn, and very outspoken. everything is in her biography, and it's short to keep everyone from falling asleep.

so read and reply with something. she needs everything. except for a brother, she has that.

who else loves sin city? i know i do.


Whew, two new characters in one add? Oh hellz yeah.

So this is Laurie Kowalczyk. She's coming all the way from Hell's Kitchen, New York with her teenage daughter. Laurie is the manager of Lucy's Grill. She is a thirty-year-old, protective mama-bear type (although she's not a bear... but a werewolf, GASP). She is basically a nice, friendly person; although very closed off and very internal. And if you mess/touch/do anything she doesn't like to her daughter she will fry your FACE off.

She grew up around gangs, guys. She could totally do it.

I have someone coming in with her baby-girl already, but I totally need other lines! Maybe some friends? Those in the 30-ish age sect? Some other MILF's? Other weres to befriend?

Just hit me up with any storyline ideas! You know where to get me: its kennedy plz!

♥ Linds
(Jaime/Tam/Claire/Ed/Laurie-mun... HOLY CRAP I HAVE FIVE NOW?)


My name is sir Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and I am sex. Hear me roar!

No, okay, seriously. This is Edward Bradford, and he is a vampire. He works as an electrician, despite the fact that he is an educated motherfucker (he was a coroner, ya know). He grew up in a funeral home. No joke. His dad ran it! So he's always been kind of obsessed with death and philosophy and whatnot. He's an atheist, but he's a profound kind of guy, so he spends a lot of time thinking about what being a vampire means as a form of after life.

Ed is a very quiet kind of guy. He keeps to himself, although he can be very charming. Otherwise he's just an arrogant SOB. He's smart and attractive, HE KNOWS IT, and oh hai, he's also immortal. You just can't top that. Anyway. Ed is coming to Birch Creek because he was detained in San Francisco a few months ago. His self control pretty much broke and he killed a girl (for the nom nomz), and this was, naturally, the time he got caught. After all that work quitting the human blood! Life's a bitch, eh?

So storylines! Ed's coming in totally fresh... he won't know anyone in the game. He's totally new. But like I said, he's also kind of a giant prick.

(Linds ♥ Jaime/Tam/Claire-mun!)

Mar. 22nd, 2009


Hey guys! This isn't for a specific line, but for those of you who still have available character slots ---

BIRCH CREEK NEEDS MORE TEENAGE BOYS. Were, witch, human, even vampire. Bring 'em on!

Mar. 20th, 2009


This is Maureen with my fourth character, Devon Mercase. I know, we're crazy! Four characters!

Devon is one hundred and eight, though he's actually seventeenish in appearance. He works at Lucy's Grill as a Line Cook and he's a photographer for the newspaper. :D So watch out for those crazy pictures of Birch Creek!

He's actually on the run with his girlfriend, Lyra Swanson, because his former coven--to which he refers as 'the four'--wants to kill her. They've relocated to the comfort and protection of Alaska. They think that since it's government protected, they'll be very, very safe.

He's very sweet, but somewhat quiet. He loves photography and he plays the piano (he can occasionally be coaxed to sing!), but he keeps to himself and Lyra.

We were thinking that maybe he could add to the male population of the Adulescentia family. If this is something you think is possible, please message me! I'd love to work it all out.

Crazypantsmk or DevonSaysSmile!

:D Thank you!

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