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Back December 16th, 2011 Forward
dani_meows [userpic]
Which One Is The Bride?

Title: Which One Is The Bride?
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Prompt: five golden rings
Word Count:221B
Notes: None, is dead from fluffy writing.

It was impulsive. Completely impulsive.

John had been making breakfast, baby talking to a hungry and pouting Pest and the words had come out of his mouth without first going through his brain filter.

“Gods, I love you, marry me?” Sherlock processed what he said, and tried to backtrack but couldn't think of what to say. Their wasn't a case and he didn't think John would believe him if he used his usual reason for bizarre behaviors anyway.

“A little sudden but okay,” John said, “It's not like everyone doesn't already assume we're an old married couple anyways.”

Sherlock grabbed John and kissed him. Married, John and him were getting married, John hadn't freaked out by what Sherlock said.

Pest let out an indignant meow that said that she didn't appreciate Sherlock taking John's attention away when it was food time and therefore clearly her turn, and Sherlock had to turn and pay attention to the kitten as John had to keep breakfast from burning.

He wanted to go into the other room and jump up and down and be giddy.

As he sat down to his eggs and toast, John managing to get him to agree to eat, a thought struck him.

“John, which one of us is the bride?”

“You obviously, brides are beautiful.”

Current Mood: silly
Back December 16th, 2011 Forward