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dani_meows [userpic]
Drabble: I'll Never Leave You.

I keep forgetting to post my drabbles! So I'll be posting a number of drabbles through out the day sorry! All author's notes will be the same as they were when posted on FF.Net.

Title: I'll Never Leave You
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Notes: Written for prompt 27- First Kiss.  Am dead tired from school and writing nearly 3000 words on the story, I'm also posting today, which was due today. ^_^ so hopefully this one is good. I like it.

The first time Sherlock kisses John is in a hospital. John is a patient. He's just woken up. Woken up days after, Sherlock had held him as John lay bleeding and dying in his arms, in a pool after the bomb blew up. )

Current Mood: groggy
dani_meows [userpic]
Sherlock Holmes: Date Saboteur.

Title: Sherlock Holmes: Date Saboteur.

Fandom: Sherlock BBC



Word Count: 300

Notes: Unbetaed. Written for prompt 28.) First Date
After that, every date he had with Sarah was interrupted or ruined by his best friend.  )

Current Mood: groggy
dani_meows [userpic]
Simplicity Itself

Title: Simplicity Itself

Fandom: Sherlock BBC

Pairing: John/Sherlock

Rating: PG

Word Count: 300

Notes: Unbetaed. Written for prompt 29, beginnings. Written while at school, during a two hour wait time, yay.

Their beginning started after what could have been their end. )

Current Mood: groggy
dani_meows [userpic]
The End Game

Title: The End Game

Fandom:Sherlock BBC



Word Count: 221B

Notes: Unbetaed. Written for prompt 30: end. I think I have a thing with John in hospitals. Should I hurt Sherlock next time instead?
John, who shouldn't be here, strapped to a semtex laden vest. He had to get John out of here, get John safe. Then he'd go after Moriarty and make him pay. )

Current Mood: groggy
dani_meows [userpic]
Make Them Pay

Title:Make them Pay

Fandom: Sherlock BBC



Word Count:100

Notes: Written for prompt 31.) quest

Doctor John Watson, former soldier, was on a mission, find Donavan and Anderson and make them cry. They had managed to hurt Sherlock, nearly caused his lover to leave him, just because they were jealous of Sherlock's ability to run circles around the police force.

The look on his love's face when he'd told him that John had to leave because Sherlock was abusive to him, was keeping his fury burning, it had taken him hours to prove to Sherlock that their relationship wasn't like that. Hours of seeing that lost wounded look on his Sherlock's face.

They would pay.

Current Mood: groggy
dani_meows [userpic]
Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Title: Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Fandom: Sherlock BBC



Word Count:300

Notes: A prequel for yesterday's drabble at the request of Totally-T3ii3 . Written for prompt 32. Rainbow. I wasn't certain if I could write this with this prompt when my mp3 helpfully shuffled to July Garland singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow, and hello idea. Unbetaed and if anyone else wants me to continue an old drabble or to write a certain genre feel free to mention it and I'll do my best.

Sherlock sat on the couch, clinging to one of John's jumpers. )

Current Mood: groggy
dani_meows [userpic]
When Heart Overrules the Mind

Title: When Heart Overrules the Mind

Fandom:Sherlock BBC



Word Count:100

Notes: Written for prompt 33.) Love

Somewhere between "Afghanistan or Iraq?" and "We can't giggle it's a crime scene," Sherlock had fallen in love with John Watson. He'd never planned on telling anyone but he hadn't expected this.

A crime scene with a body, with details that he'd missed but John hadn't, that John used to make a series of brilliant deductions that solved the case. He hadn't expected his heart to overrule his mind, and to blurt out, "I love you," in the middle of a crime scene with most of the Yarders still present.

Well, there was always something he missed.

Current Mood: groggy
dani_meows [userpic]

Title: Want

Fandom: Sherlock BBC



Word Count: 100

Notes: Unbetaed. Hope it's good, it's been a rough day (two panic attacks) and I'm writing this while medicated. Written for prompt: 34 lust.

It's habitual, an action that John is unaware of doing and usually only does when he's thinking, but it doesn't make it any less distracting and annoying to me. Pert pink tongue, touching his lips, then darting back into his mouth, it's disconcerting how much this short circuits my brain and makes me want. I want to kiss him. I want to taste those lips, I want to feel that tongue touch my own lips. I want to claim him, to own him, to possess him.

He's mine. He doesn't know it yet but John Watson belongs to me. Mine.

Current Mood: sleepy
dani_meows [userpic]

Title: Normal?

Fandom:Sherlock BBC



Word Count:221B

Notes: Unbetaed. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed or added this to your favorites and alerts, and a special thank you to everyone who sent well wishes yesterday. I'm feeling better, the meds are doing their job again. ^_^ This is written for prompt 35.) Travel.

A vacation was nice, but John wanted to go home, back where things were normal, well in a loose sense of the word. )

Current Mood: tired
dani_meows [userpic]

Title: Mine

Fandom:Sherlock BBC



Word Count:200

Notes: Written for prompt 36.) dark alley. Now I have to dash, I've got lab and I've got to put on my lab coat.
Or one day would Sarah be the one who could call John away from Sherlock's side? One day, would John refuse his call? )

Current Mood: tired
dani_meows [userpic]
An Impossible Wish

Title: An Impossible Wish

Fandom: Sherlock BBC



Word Count:221B

Notes: Written for prompt 37.) genetics
A child with most of John features and steadiness but his mind and deductive reasoning skills. )

Current Mood: thirsty
dani_meows [userpic]
Skintight Jeans

Title: Skintight Jeans
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Rating: PG-13
Word Count:221B
Notes: A number of drabbles ago, Soot introduced me to a youtube video about Sherlock's skintight jeans, apparently this video absorbed itself into my mind, ready to reappear at the right moment.  This is for prompt 38.) Jump rope

He was facing away from John so John was treated to the sight of a frankly magnificent bum as Sherlock continued jumping rope. )

Current Mood: groggy
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