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Back June 21st, 2011 Forward
dani_meows [userpic]
Fandom20in20: Round 13 batch

Notes: had to edit my claim slightly to include New Who for Category since I've only seen the first few episodes of classic who and the female companions didn't do much in Unearthly Child. So my scene is the scene from Stolen Earth (Season Four) where RTD proves he's a total bastard and screws up my reunion.

Round 13: Female Who Companions: Mostly classic Who )
And I'm going to try and do this for every entry for the second year's worth of fandom20in20 rounds:

Flashback: My first set of icons made with PS7 from last year round one.

20 icons for [info]dailyicons claim Doctor/Rose from Doctor Who.

Round 1: Flashback )

Current Mood: accomplished
Back June 21st, 2011 Forward