October 2012

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July 12th, 2012

[info]pedagogy in [info]biltmoreestate

Oh ~blueridge, I have missed you.

Okay, so I am bringing in this lovely lady here. Her name is Salem Petrov, she's a born werewolf and the baby sister of [info]riskywolf. Her childhood background is similar to Micah's, except she had a wonderful brother to look up to. From there up until the point where she decides to move to Asheville, I have nothing yet. This is where you come in. I would love some lines! As the journal name suggests, this little lady is mighty scrappy, and I would love it if there was something of a demon run underground fighting ring for supernaturals? Maybe? Idk, just an idea. I may watch too much Grimm. Pack wise, I don't know where her brother stands, but she's not in one as of this moment since she will have just moved to Asheville if/when she is accepted. That's pretty much all I have at the moment, since it's 3am and I'm avoiding having a heart attack via thunderstorm (normally I love them but since I am currently staying in a glorified mobile home and am surrounded by dry forests that are prone to fires, they aren't the greatest things atm) my brain is mush like.

Please comment below if you have a line she could fill or want to work something out!