October 2012

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July 6th, 2012

[info]bmovielife in [info]biltmoreestate

Another howdy-hey from me, this time with the little bb Heidger to the human!hunter mentioned below.

This here is Madeleine Elizabeth Heidger, who has far too much sassafras for her own good. She's seventeen, in her last year of HS and sarcastically refers to herself as "the child that should have been named Buffy" - because, seriously, Holmes. Her dad is her best friend and she'll kick anyone's ass for him: but she has absolutely no interest in becoming a hunter and does not give two shits about all of your petty little fights. (Unless, of course, it's involving her padre's safety.) The rest of you can worry about supernatural nonsense, but she's going to work on getting into law school tyvm. She's in that beautiful stage of thinking she's adult (because, damn, she's close enough - right?) but has all the beautiful, obnoxious tendencies of a teenager.

flash facts:
! madeleine heidger
! maddie is preferred
! human + 17 (28 december 1995)
! sassy mcsassypants
! papa is hunter holmes: nikolas heidger
! law school dreams
! perpetually unimpressed by you
! possibly an excuse for me to make all the buffy jokes ever

Homegirl is going to need things to do, negl. She's going to need to find herself a part-time job, make friends, crush on local heartthrobs and make a total ass of herself in the name of thy padre. I'd like to establish sl's whilst working on her history, svp?

And because I'm going between thesis-work and apps, you are more than welcome to shoot me an im  on aim @ sanspajamas.