October 2012

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June 14th, 2012

[info]ex_kore305 in [info]biltmoreestate

Welp, sorry for the short story.

Good morning/afternoon everyone! I'm bringing in this girl, Stephanie Kore as the Greek Goddess Persephone, who is known as a Goddess of Vegetation and Queen of The Underworld through her marriage with Hades. So a bit of back story on the myth, it's said that Hades lured Persephone to The Underworld using a Pomegranate, raped and forced her to be his bride (>.<'), some years later, she struck up a deal with Hades and she is able to visit earth for 8 months of the year (and this is why we have spring and summer yay haha). It's also said that Zeus actually struck up a deal with Hades to kidnap his daughter but, who knows - there are a lot of different variations of the story, so I decided to go with the simplest one and work off that. I have a whole whack of information here, and most of the information will remain, but I'm still working on it!

But a quick run down of Stephanie, she is the owner of an organic health foods store, which is run out of her home and garden. She is extremely sympathetic and highly tuned with the feelings and emotions of all living things around her (this ability is strongest with fellow Gods and humans, and she finds it very difficult to navigate through the emotions of a supernatural of another race). She is extremely compliant and eager to please, often putting others before herself. In avoiding confrontations and direct conversations, she is happiest blending in the background, allowing stronger personalities to take the spotlight. She radiates to strong willed people, ones with a great amount of power and reason over others. Unlike most Gods and Goddesses, she lacks instinct when it comes to being intimate with others. She tends to take on dominant lovers or ones far younger than she is, with which she adopts a motherly role with. It is crucial to her life that she retreats to a quite place numerous times a day. Being so in tune with those around her, her energy and what little magic she does have is drained extremely quickly, so aside from her business and her trips to the park, she tends to be pretty reclusive!

I am looking for lines of all kinds, no holds bar! I could use everything! Friends, enemies (though it's so unlikely that she would knowingly keep an enemy), lovers, whatever!